Hours :

Monday - Friday:  8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday: Closed (open by appointment only)


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New Summer Hours
Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday - Closed (Open by appointment only)
Sunday - Closed 

Summer Coal Sale on Rice & Buckwheat Coal 
$20.00 off per Ton
Pick up or Delivery - Call to place you orders! 

Stop By and get your 
Bear Mountain BBQ grilling and smoking hardwood pellets, we carry 20lb bags of Craft and Classic blends. We are also Selling Pit Boss pellets as well. Stop by and check out our selection of pellets. 
*Exclusively carrying Smithing Coal*
Stop by and check out all our stoves on display anytime and you can always pop in Kathy's Korner Gift Shoppe as well, she always has many unique items to see.  
We Would love to see you all! 


 Allow us to introduce ourselves: Brad, Kathy & Jason Warner.  
Family Owned and Operated Business Located in Candor New York.
Warner's Stoker Stoves and Coal, Inc.
We Carry Keystoker, Redding and Alaska Brand Stoves, They are on Display in Our Showroom & Available for Immediate Pickup.  
We Sell Automatic Stoker Stoves, Furnaces & Boilers.  Parts and glass for Most Models Are also Available.We Offer Washed Premium Anthracite Coal, Available for Pickup or Delivery. Sizes Available Rice, Buckwheat, Pea, Chestnut, & Stove (Washed or Oil Treated). We also carry New England Wood Pellets & Dry Creek wood pellets by the bag or by the ton.
Quality Service and Fully Insured.
"Our Commitment to Quality Speaks for Itself"

Keystoker Koker Furnace




The Keystoker Koker

160,000 BTU double wall constructed Koker furnace has a 9" wide flat grate stoker and patented thermal heat exchanger.  This popular furnace can be used as an add-on or used freestanding to heat your home. It comes with an opening on the front (3 X 25) and an opening on the top (11X19) to distribute warm clean air into your home.

Tested at 88 to 90% Efficiency

The Koker can be chimney vented or direct vented. It is completely automatic, working off a Honeywell Room Thermostat. Optional stainless steel water coil available.


The Keystoker Koker Lite

Single wall furnace

 105,000 BTU furnace has a 1000cfm blower, 200lb hopper, thermostat controlled, and fully automatic. You can get a top or bottom vent or you can purchase a direct vent for this stove, if you do not have a chimney. Patented built in heat Exchanger that cools the exhaust air system and Flat Gate design. This mini furnace is great for small homes, garages, workshops, etc. where the koker is too large.



Keystoker 90/105 Stoker Stove

Single Wall / Double Wall

The single wall 90,000 BTU and the double wall 105,000 BTU stoker stoves using the patented built in heat exchanger and flat grate stoker design gives you the highest possible efficiency in a coal stove. Sit back and enjoy the warmth of the popular keystoker stove and the savings of using clean burning anthracite coal. See advantages and learn about the great options on these popular stoves, Click on any stove Picture to go to the Stove Manufacturers web site.

Keystoker 90/105 Stoker Stove
Single Wall / Double Wall

Alaska Channing Stove

The Alaska Channing is a satisfying blend of economy and great looks.  The Single Wall Channing heats upto 2500 sq. feet . With this great stove you get two controls, one is an Auto Control Box which is how you adjust your feed and the other is a Rheostate, this allows you to control the speed of your distribution blower. BTU's range from 5,000 to 85,000. This stove has a 100 lb hopper and burns rice coal.  This stove is available in top, bottom, or bottom direct vent. Or if one of these is not what your looking for you can always use a power vent.

Alaska Channing Stove


THE HEART OF THE KEYSTOKER – A simple feed mechanism with very few moving parts is easily adjusted and maintained. Troublesome belts, sheer pins and worm conveyors have been eliminated. This feed mechanism with slow moving, long life parts keep service calls to a minimum.

COMFORTABLE WARMTH -- KEYSTOKERS condition your home with clean even heat. Accurate controls and thermostat provide automatic well-regulated warmth with quick response to weather changes. Warm air, water, or steam heat are equally efficient with a KEYSTOKER unit.

LOW COST FUEL—KEYSTOKER is most economical and efficient using anthracite rice or buckwheat coal.  The savings on fuel bills alone will pay for your KEYSTOKER in the course of time.

LOW INITIAL COST – Check and compare.  Your dealer can give you the complete price of an installed KEYSTOKER. When you compare the cost of the KEYSTOKER with any automatic hot water heating unit, you'll realize how reasonable KEYSTOKER is priced.

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To see Kathy's Korner Gift Shop
Home Decor Gift Items